Monday, February 22, 2010

P90X Brother!

Sweet Makyna and Mag
Drew said, "Take a picture of me and Maggie!" (yes, Drew was nice to Maggie!)

And he was very into getting his picture taken.

This is Maggie's outfit for tacky day. Check out that lipstick...

This is my painting I did for Jessica for christmas.

Here is our new infomercial for P90X!
(I love my new video camera)

Oh and excuse my laughing...

P90X Brother!! from Chelsea Bates on Vimeo.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy Valentine's Day! I got an early present from mom and Aunt Sissy...a new camera! These next pictures are from my new camera. Maggie got one too :) Thanks guys! Also, William got me a Nook which is totally awesome! It is an electronic reader that you get ebooks on. Amazing! Now me and Jess can share books on our nooks :)
And here is sleepy Julesie-bear

Our Little Lovebug in her Valentine's Day scarf. Everytime she goes to the cleaner's she comes back smelling like roses, toenails clipped and with a pretty little scarf. If only her breath would smell like roses...sorry Jules! We still love you :)

New camera again. It took forever for him to smile for the camera.

This has nothing to do with Valentine's day but look at that hair.

Illyum and his presents. With his favorite cookies...oatmeal raisin.

Mom and her present. (You can see it better if you click on it). And yes, she cried, silly mom.

Mag with her man and her new popcorn holder. She got a few Johnny D movies and candy from mom.

Love you all!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Maggie is a Big Girl! Homecoming 2010

Maggie had her homecoming dance Saturday, January 23. And she looked beautiful! As always :)
(And a little "Pants on the Ground" by Drew Michael)
Her friends JoJo, Heather, and Lauren came over to get ready.
Putting on their faces in mom's bathroom.

There she is! Miss America!

JoJo, Maggie, Heather, and Lauren

Mom and her baby

She had to get a kiss from Johnny.

Camino before the dance.

Maggie and her two favorite boys.

Stuffed and ready for a night of dancing!

Oh, and here is Drew's rendition of "Pants on the Ground".
It is a song sung by a guy on American Idol. If you haven't seen it I put it below. HILARIOUS! Both of them. Drew is right up there with the guy.

"Pants on the Ground" by Drew from Chelsea Bates on Vimeo.


Monday, February 8, 2010

I Heart Faces! I Heart Kisses Week!

This week is I Heart Kisses Week. Uncle Tony sure does love his Derek. What a perfect moment between daddy and son.