Monday, February 22, 2010

P90X Brother!

Sweet Makyna and Mag
Drew said, "Take a picture of me and Maggie!" (yes, Drew was nice to Maggie!)

And he was very into getting his picture taken.

This is Maggie's outfit for tacky day. Check out that lipstick...

This is my painting I did for Jessica for christmas.

Here is our new infomercial for P90X!
(I love my new video camera)

Oh and excuse my laughing...

P90X Brother!! from Chelsea Bates on Vimeo.


JessicaBates said...

I mean, wow. That looks very hard to do, but William is SMILING! Mark and I are very impressed.

The Bates Girls! said...

I guess I'll have to put my video on here doing that so I can show Illiam up! :)

Becky said...

That was very impressive.

Craftysis7 said...


I am impressed with your art work. You are very good!! Illiam you are pretty strong there, are you on steroids???? jk!! Marty I want to see that, I think we should have a contest, haha!!