We haven't posted anything in a while so I thought I'd sum up the past few weeks. Except i put the pictures in backwards so its actually starting from most recent. Anyway, Mr. Moore in the kitchen helping mom with the watermelon. She said he was trying to prove he does more than "yap" as she says and sleep :)
Last night we went to the midnight show of Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. It was awesome!!!!! So we decided to take pictures to show our excitement.
Emily and Jessie joined us and mom was taking the pitures.
We were getting pumped up for the movie before we went so we decided to do squats. With Jules...
And again...
We were getting pumped up for the movie before we went so we decided to do squats. With Jules...
And again...
And Maggie and Chelsea
This weekend Maggie's team got 2nd place in their tournament. Mag caught and pitched all day Saturday and Sunday...whew